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Did you know that people can’t survive without water for about 3 days? Water makes up 60-70% of our body. Intake of a sufficient amount of water is really important for the optimal functioning of our body. Insufficient hydration affects the balance

of the internal environment, but also processes such as maintaining thermoregulation or draining waste products from the body - formation of urine. Urine is a good indicator of our drinking regime - deep yellow to brown is a sign of dehydration.

And what about the famous coffee?

One cup of espresso will deprive you of about 80 ml of water, so there can be no dehydration after one coffee. Of course, if you drink a few cups of coffee a day, the volume of water excreted is higher. When drinking caffeinated beverages regularly, coffee or green or black tea, keep in mind that the body needs to compensate for these small losses.

Fluids need to be replenished ideally throughout the day and not just suddenly, for example once in the evening, when you clearly remember that you didn't actually drink anything all day. It is ideal to drink a cup of lukewarm water on an empty stomach in the morning, which you can add a drop of lemon. During the day, drink mainly between meals and a bit with food.

The body will appreciate continuous replenishment much more.

To calculate the basic daily fluid intake for an adult, we can use a simple formula: 0.5 litres of fluid for every 15 kg of weight. It is necessary to add at least 0.5 l for each extra factor to the result, and this can be sports activity, high outdoor temperatures, drug treatment or alcohol consumption. On hot summer days, or if you spend days on holiday by the sea, it should be at least a litre of extra water. A man weighing 75 kg will therefore have a basic daily intake of about 2.5 litres of fluids, a slim woman weighing 55 kg will have about 2 litres. In general, the older we are, the less water per kilogram of weight our body needs. While in

an infant it is over 100 ml / kg, in an adult it is around 30 ml / kg. However, this does not mean that water in advanced age is less important - on the contrary. Sufficient hydration of soft tissues, especially the skin, is an important prevention of visible signs of aging, such as wrinkles. If you tend to forget, for example, download a smart application to your phone or combine

a drinking regime with a pleasant ritual.

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